Born in Salt Lake City, UT
Works in Warren, MI
Lives in Denver, CO
2017 The Ohio State University (B.S.)
2018 The Ohio State University (M.S.)
I am an Engineer, Inventor, and aspiring Artist. I have experience with Radar, VR/AR, and Robotics research. My primary work is in Autonomous Vehicle and Active Safety Sensing. In this setting, I focus on robust systems engineering, data traceability, and risk mitigation.
Outside of work, I do Photography, lead a BattleBots team, and build the dumb things you see here -- from a concrete PC, to a robot grown from mushroom. Occasionally these projects go viral, and I use the resulting YouTube and TikTok ad revenue to fund more projects.
I also take on consulting projects, although I am currently very selective due to time constraints. I help people move from "fuzzy front end" to "prototype," and have a proven track record for converting novel ideas and concept sketches into functional prototypes for product evaluation.